massage intimate consent sean

I have a medical degree BSc(Hons) Ost Med and practiced as a Registered Osteopath from 1998 for 20 years. Many post grad qualifications in Cranial Osteopathy, am trauma aware and continue to update my skills recently completing Urban Tantra course with Barbara Carrellas. I have a Tantric massage qualification from Tara Yoga Centre, Shadow Tantra Training and more from The School of Erotic Mysteries. In January 2024 I qualified as a Sexological Bodyworker.
This work has been evolving into what it is now, and it is extremely rewarding in not only a satisfactory sense, but also in my own journey and self development. I have done the ‘normal’ marriage, following what society expects of me and have 3 beautiful grown up children. I now have knowledge of different relationship styles as I have, and am, living them in my second marriage. My divorce and the support of my second wife have been the catalyst for where I am now, and two of the main reasons I believe I can help women to live lives that are true to themselves, not what society and partners think they should be. The journeys I help you to go on are ones I have done and am still doing. The space I provide physically and metaphorically speaking, is one that is safe and non judgemental, and also one that shows you men can do the work, and hold women safely without any agendas.
I like Taoist principles and Zen so we can get spiritual but not in a wordy sense, we will be doing and experiencing. This work is a real life journey to be experienced, where you need to be brave and stare at yourself in the mirror and face your ‘pain’. It is well worth it for the growth and pleasure you will get, but it is a bumpy road where I can only point you in the right direction as the journey is yours.
So, just bring yourself and/or your partner, not your label. Labels can be helpful as a guide but they are not you, in a lot of cases they are just another shield to hide behind. Let us discover who you really are, I look forward to meeting you.