

boyfriend experience in essex

‘‘It is possible to see what another person needs, and give it to them’’

Suzuki Roshi

Because society does not like to discuss or address sexual issues in depth they are nearly always left in the shadows, separate from our every day lives. We ignore the effects that intimacy issues have on all aspects of our lives; a poor intimate life, poor body image, guilt in receiving pleasure and inability to ask for what we want and to say no to what we don’t want causes ripples way outside of the bedroom. I would go as far to say that unless our intimate lives receive as much, or even more attention than the rest of our lives we are unable to truly be ourselves. Remember that intimacy as defined here is not just genital sex and the rush towards orgasm, there is so much more to pleasure. Holding hands, the stroking of hair, a kiss on your neck, warm hands and oil during a massage, masturbation.

You will be successful in lots of aspects of your life and some of you will be out of relationships and discovering new ways of connecting, some of you may be in relationships but need some support, or you may just be single and looking for guidance. This can be an exciting time exploring but it can also be fraught with pitfalls around boundaries and consent due to old patterns. Dating and sex positive apps are a minefield of well intentioned (I am being generous) people still pursuing old habits that are at best annoying, at worst dangerous and disingenuous. Break ups and divorce are stressful so we can support you with that and show you how to explore your new life in a conscious way, but no matter what your situation we can find the excitement of asking for what you really want from who you really want.

Sean specialises in helping women 40 and over. You are mature enough to have an idea about what you do and don’t want due to life experiences, yet you also want to find what will nourish and make you grow. Intimacy Life Coaching will guide you in your intimate life, delve into your ‘normal’ life as they are not separate, and help you make healthy bridges and connections between the two.

Your sexuality without any guilt or shame, your right to pleasure on your terms, the safety of knowing you have strong boundaries to express your yes and no are the grounding of your explorations and the minimum you require. Finding yourself and escaping the cultural and social conditioning that restricts our expression is what we help you do.

This is not a quick fix and it takes work and bravery to face yourself and find out who you are hidden underneath your conditioning, but it is well worth the time and effort.

If anything from the list below or something on the website strikes a chord, and there will most likely be more than one, contact Sean for a free 30 minute video consultation and find out what we can do for you.

  • Recently divorced/separated
  • Intimacy problems are ruining your relationship/s
  • Feel out of control of your own pleasure
  • Difficulty getting to orgasm/anorgasmia
  • Lost self confidence
  • Poor body image
  • Numbness, physically and emotionally
  • Want to learn to ask for what you want
  • Want to feel more embodied
  • Want to explore kink/BDSM but don’t know where to start
  • Would like to learn how to give and receive intimate touch
  • Want to transcend guilt/shame around sex and intimacy
  • You have vaginismus (pain on intercourse or physical contact of your vagina)
  • Sex related trauma is holding you back
  • You want to explore polyamory
  • You want to explore intimacy with women
  • Would like to squirt
  • Have issues around intimacy due to menopause
  • Difficulty navigating online dating/sex positive apps

This list is not exhaustive but will be helpful. Please contact Sean on 07830 509665 via WhatsApp or phone and he can arrange a video call, and send out a questionnaire via email to check the suitability of us working together. We want your experience with us to be a positive one of growth and discovery, that takes our expertise and the effort from us both to make it work.

Check the Intimacy Life coaching page for an outline of how we work, check the Tantric/Sensual/Yoni massage page for what we can offer there. The Journey page has more information on what is, and can be included in your personalised program.